"A pretty captivating yakker… who’ll inform and entertain."

For conferences.



Training Events


Chuck Goldstone is a renowned speaker, radio commentator, pundit, and captivating gabber, who will make audiences laugh and make them think.

As a nationally aired commentator on public radio, author, humorist, and business communications writer, producer, and consultant to Fortune 500 Companies, Chuck brings insights and an entertaining way of looking at the mundane.

He will energize audiences by sharing ideas,concepts, trends, strategies, and Best Practices, leaving them with new ideas and practical skills, and the incentive to put them to use immediately.

He will change forever the way people look at presentations and the way their audiences will look at them.

Contact us info@presenuasion.com


speak [speek] v.
1. To utter words or
articulate sounds with
ordinary speech
modulation; talk.
2.a. To convey thoughts,
opinions, or emotions orally.
b. To express oneself.

in-form [in'form] v.
1. Give someone facts or
information; tell.
2. Give an essential or
formative principle or
quality to. See also notify,
apprise, advise, impart to,
communicate to, let
someone know; brief,
prime, enlighten, send word
to, give, supply information
to; informal fill someone in,
clue someone in.

en-light-en [en'li ten] v.
1. give (someone) greater
knowledge and
understanding about a
subject or situation.
2. shed light on an object

en-gage [en'gaj] v.
1. occupy, attract, or involve (someone's interest or attention)
2. participate or become
involved in

en-ter-tain [en ter'tan] v.
1 .provide (someone) with
amusement or enjoyment
2. give attention or
consideration to (an idea,
suggestion, or feeling).

in-spire [in-'spir] v.
1. fill (someone) with the
urge or ability to do or feel
something, esp. to do
something creative
2. breathe in (air); inhale.
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